Financial Software

Business Software

Such solutions provide users with the widest range of functions for performing accounting tasks. You can use this software to both write and submit reports and check for new changes in the law, and the review process is simple. Peachtree is one of the most famous accounting software solutions of this kind.

Corporate Accounting Software

I have nothing against freelancers, but strange outsourcers defame the very principle. I’ve seen Enterprises deal with large volumes of data and accounting departments usually choose ready-made solutions in order to work separately from other corporate data. This leads to manual handling of import/export operations and potentially a number of technical mistakes. As a result, the cost of production, business efficiency and ROI cannot be immediately calculated without a data update.l for you.

Classification by Type of Development

Ready-made Financial Systems

This refers to software with a common set of features that can be tailored to a specific industry, yet such examples have many limitations. Due to their overall complexity and the fact that many users do not need many of the features, it is often difficult to deal with third-party systems.

Our Achievements:

322 App Development ProjectsCustom Software
413 Mobile Applications
75 Enterprise Software Solutions

Custom Software

If you don’t want to spend time figuring out how third-party services work, it's best to create a custom software service based on all your specific needs. We deliver custom accounting applications in the UK and around the world that help our clients get a more productive experience with financial documents. The custom software is easy to use, offers high performance and can compete with existing software on the market.

The main advantage of custom accounting software is the possibility of integration with other systems and corporate data. As a result of this, you can see all outlays, costs and profits in the course of production. You get a single database, reporting and any custom forms necessary for both multi-currency accounting and for exchange rate differences, cross-balance transactions and parallels for foreign trade activities.

Our Services in the UK

Magora specialises in the development of custom accounting software to provide high-quality solutions for companies of all sizes. In our work, we employ modern technology and time-tested methods to handle each project.

The solutions we offer are:

  • Personalised - A professional solution developed for your organisation that considers all the features of your business.
  • Secure - A powerful protection algorithm to prevent your information from being stolen or misused.
  • Easy to use - A simple, clear interface that allows you to focus on your work and reduce your training costs

  • Functional and flexible - at the initial stage we discuss your overall wishes and how the program should grow with the company. The architecture of your program will answer this idea of future scalability, providing you with a convenient solution even when your enterprise advances to a further stage.
Bespoke accounting software, UK
How we Work

We have established strategic alliances with many clients in the UK and abroad. We use a flexible service model to tailor our services to the specific needs of our customers and always implement state-of-the-art technology and advanced delivery models. Our relationships with various global companies have allowed us to acquire deep knowledge across multiple industries.

We work with our customers to determine their requirements and then design solutions based upon them. We acquire knowledge in the the financial field through long-term customer relationships, which helps us in turn to develop customer-specific systems.

To remain competitive in a market characterised by rapid technological development and low customer loyalty, we’re always trying to introduce new finance solutions and to modify and improve existing ones, providing faster and more flexible systems.

How Your Business will Benefit from Bespoke Accounting Software

If you’re still in doubt about whether to order your own solution, read on to learn about the key benefits of using accounting software.

Opting for a bespoke solution will really help you save a lot of time compared to manual bookkeeping or ready-made programs.

This package handles front-end documents and back-end transactions.

For example, you write a cheque in a program, create a bank deposit and prepare a customer invoice, and the software records all transactions.

In ordinary accounting, most of the work is done at the end of the fiscal year, when records are prepared for administration and tax purposes.

But with the right application, you can continue to create and maintain financial records and get detailed reports at any time.

This allows company management to continually monitor the financial records of the business and resolve issues as early as possible, i.e. before a serious issue arises.

You can record and track payable and receivable accounts. This gives an idea of ​​current and future cash flow status.

For example, you enter an invoice and its due date and obtain a careful report stating whether the receivable is sufficient to cover your future invoice.

In addition, you can maintain a record of invoices and bills, which will help you avoid penalties for overdue payment and overdraft fees.

Small business owners generally do not have the time to learn how to use new software.

Fortunately, with an accounting system tailored to your requirements, the learning curve is short and easy. Therefore, even non-professional users learn how to use the system effectively. This helps minimise reconciliation issues and related errors.

Most leading vendors in the UK provide adequate training and customer support to help small businesses use their software effectively; however, only a bespoke product gives you access to overall support and training if needed.

Manual accounting increases the likelihood of miscalculations. You can avoid this by integrating software that performs all calculations accurately and automatically.

This is a great benefit, especially if you need to prepare a detailed invoice where specific items or hours of work are billed at different rates.

Simply select the item you want to bill, enter the required data and the system will pause it for you.

We always take into account the growing needs of our clients’ businesses. We deliver systems with scalable architecture and advanced features such as marketable databases and complex customisations. Startups and small companies can be sure that these solutions will grow and expand together with their businesses.

When expanding into other countries, UK companies that use home-based employees and have customers in different locations can use cloud-based accounting software to access these solutions on any device connected to the Internet, anytime, anywhere.

Computerised Billing

With invoice-focused accounting software, you get the latest reports on customer payments. These reports provide details of what the customer owes you and the amount paid.

This can help you manage and control your finances effectively. You may ask a customer to speed up a payment and minimise the loss. As a result, accounting software provides reliable information on accounts payable and helps increase profits.



Streamlined Organisation

Manual invoices are easily lost. On the other hand, accounting applications store all data and information securely in one place.

You can view, reprint, and re-bill if necessary. In addition, you can easily search the software for invoices containing numbers, names etc. and the DB does the work.

As the system organises all input data correctly, the process is quick and easy.

Tracking Inventory

Based on recent trends in accounting software, your bespoke solution will be able to track inventory of products and provide updated details about inventory levels.

You will get the opportunity to automatically track inventory even when processing product orders. Most importantly, the program can predict when you might be out of stock so you can order more items in advance.

Therefore, this inventory tracking feature provides accurate data and helps you save time.

The accounting system can provide detailed reports on business processes and help you control the flow of funds within your organisation. This allows you to have a clear idea of ​​your costs and revenues at any time.

This in turn can help you calculate your profits more easily and understand which customers are bringing the most benefit to your company. We build a program for you to provide detailed and actionable reports and their scope depends only on the type of information you enter into it.

In short, these reports can help you make informed decisions and run your business more efficiently.

With top-notch accounting software, you will be forced to maintain the latest status of your data entry. This can help you keep track of your company's financial situation.

As a result, you can quickly identify customers who have credit problems and are not paying on time, as well as other, similar problems that can cause cash flow failures.

Therefore, using accounting software is a better option than simply storing manual invoices and receipts in a single file for later trading at the end of the fiscal year.

As the leading mobile app developer, Magora offers mobile apps for Android and iOS devices, so you can take your books with you.

These applications can be used for a number of efficient tasks, such as the sending of invoices, viewing of invoice information and costs, immediate recording of additional expenses, control over payable time, importing of new customer details directly from the information stored on your phone and more.


Accounting products help you centralise key business processes and tasks such as customer relationship management, billing, payroll, inventory management and more.

  • Instead of investing in a separate solution for each process, you can order a single package to perform all of these tasks.

As a result, a complete accounting package can help you save a great deal of time and money and make your business processes easier and more efficient.

Simplify Tax Compliance

The accounting platform can calculate the tax amount that needs to be paid for each invoice.

  • In addition, you can get a detailed report on the amount of tax your company pays for a specific time period. As a result, you get all the information you need to prepare and submit government-defined tax forms.

An advanced system even allows you to submit tax returns electronically from within the product.

You are one step away from your business optimisation.
Contact us today to take your accounting software to the next level.

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