The Functions of these Systems

  • Store a variety of document types, including processing files, PDFs, emails and spreadsheets;
  • Search the entire library of files for a single keyword;
  • Monitor who’s viewing the document and when;
  • Restrict access to certain documents;
  • Track edits;
  • Recover previous versions of edited documents;
  • Access, edit and share files from your mobile device.

How to Integrate Software with Your Business Process

Analysing the activities necessary for the implementation of the software, we can distinguish the following groups: organisational and methodical activities, technical solutions, adoption of necessary legislation.

Our company’s experience in the introduction of digital solutions shows that the development of a technical solution that meets all the traditions and legal requirements, as well as the provision of such a solution to the customer, is only one of the stages of fully-fledged software creation. In addition, it’s necessary to conduct a number of organisational and methodical activities, some of which are related to the collection of data for setting up the solution for a specific organisation and some to the analysis of activities and the preparation of the necessary regulations. Furthermore, it is absolutely necessary for the staff to learn the skills of working with technical means in accordance with the rules and regulations.

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There are a number of regulations for software development defining its basic requirements. One of the most authoritative is the international standard for document management ISO 15489-2001 Information and documentation - Records management. Based on this regulaton, you can identify several basic requirements allowing for the building of effective solution.

Product Adaptation

To implement the above requirements, the software must have advanced customisation capabilities for a specific customer (this is dictated by the specifics of workflow within different organisations). Sometimes during the adjustment of the software solution, the process of gathering the necessary information forces employees of the customer company to adjust the existing situation and to seek ways to improve it.

The same applies to types of documents, numbering systems and classifications. For example, sequential numbering of files during registration is performed using special counter programs. When a description of all types of assigned numbers is collected in one place, it’s easy to understand the necessity of introducing some internal standard for such a number, which ultimately leads to the creation of a unified classification system within the organisation.

The technical possibilities of granting access to documents should allow for organising access in such a way that only those employees who really need it can work with the document, while others simply don’t see it.

Solution Architecture

One of the problems that arises when building software for a territorially distributed structure is how to prevent the loss of files when in transfer. In this case, a mechanism of data transfer, such as replication, can be implemented. This is a special mechanism for supporting copies of databases located on different servers, in a state in which their content is identical. The processes
of information transfer and comparison will continue until comparative analysis identifies the content in full. Employees working with the system connect to one of the servers and work with one of the replicas - from the perspective of the user, it appears as though all employees have been working with the same file. The transfer of a document changes from a physical action to simple provision of access.



How to Choose a Document Management System

If you’re looking for a program, one of the first questions you should answer is whether to put your tool on the company’s servers or host it in the cloud. While both options provide a framework for storing and organising electronic documents, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Self-hosted File Management System

  • All software is stored on your company's own server.
  • You can store any number of documents and files allowed by the server.
  • The unique cost of software depends on the number of users. Self-hosted systems usually cost several thousand dollars at least. Some solutions charge an initial fee for the software as well as a per-user licence fee. Some will also charge an installation fee.
  • Support and software updates are available annually.
The biggest benefit of a self-hosted solution is that you always have control of your own system rather than relying on anyone else to keep it running. You also don’t rely on the Internet. If your connection is interrupted, you can still access all the data.
Higher initial costs and additional software update fees per year. Also, your files are not automatically saved to the cloud, so you should make sure you have the correct backup system in place. Not all self-hosted systems are available for either Mac or Windows computers - many are compatible only with one or the other.

Cloud Managed Solutions

  • All software is hosted by your provider and is available online.
  • You can log in from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet.
  • You pay a monthly fee for each user. The cost per user ranges from a few dollars to almost $100 depending on the provider, the number of features you choose and the amount of storage you need.
  • System providers can handle software and maintenance upgrades at no additional cost.
The biggest benefit is that you don’t need an IT team to install the software and can keep it running at no significant upfront cost. You can also access your data from anywhere you have online access and don’t need to back up files as they’re automatically saved to the cloud.
You are subject to vendor control to keep the system running. If there is a problem with your provider's data centre, you may be prevented from accessing the file until the situation is resolved. Also, if your Internet connection fails, you won't be able to access your files. Cloud solutions also have storage limitations.
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How to Succeed with Digitisation

The organisation of high-quality work requires not only a fully-functional management system developed by professionals in accordance with state standards but also work with enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Why do we Need Different Systems?

By performing different functions, they solve organisational tasks as part of a complex (ERP - obtaining price information, forming financial and accounting documents; document management system - information transfer required for the planning and execution of an order and monitoring its performance progress.

The difference between them is related to data processing methods. In ERP systems, data is stored and processed as structured (conditionally: represented as linked tables). Document systems work with unstructured data - texts and various files - and some of the information (document requisites) can be stored in a structured (table-like) form. The main division of information flows occurs on the basis of what data is needed for a given business process - structured or unstructured. Work with structured data takes over resource management programs, unstructured - electronic paper management systems.

A specific combination of features is determined by the industry and individual features of business processes and management schemes of a particular enterprise. If during the work of the off-the-shelf program, an operative decision-making was provided (for example, whether to take the order, depending on its price), and after the implementation of expensive ERP and ERMS, the decision becomes more complicated, the customer feels that the money is wasted, although all the necessary information is most likely present.

Bespoke document management system development
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To solve the problem, you may need to integrate additional configurations. Here at Magora, we have mastered the art of introducing even standard systems with the ability to see the knots customers can get stuck in and solve the relevant problems, even if he or she hasn’t realised what they are. We can then say that when implementing the document management system, our first quality management rule is observed - clients should get more than they expect.

Document management

Sophisticated System or Extension of Data Processing Applications?

Workflow forms an integral part of any such digital system. Creation of such a tool is one of the most complicated tasks of automation, since document circulation - especially technical - is a global system that unites business processes and structural subdivisions both within enterprises and in the joint activity of enterprises.

Working with Magora, you get a custom solution that’s tailor-made to fit your needs. We create fully-fledged systems to provide the highest degree of effectiveness and productivity. Contact us to discuss your workflow and its problems and find out how you can benefit from software development.

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