Marketing: App Monetisation

Not sure how to promote a good app? The Magora App Guidebook will show you how.
Now that we have covered a number of approaches, our final section will demonstrate how to effectively use paid advertising to ensure you see a good return on your investment. Here we will look at how to maximise a budget, however large or small, to make certain you are using it efficiently.

Choosing a Medium

Ad Formats

Magora: Ad Formats
Advertising takes a number of forms, the chief being:
  • Website and app banner ads
  • Pop-up ads
  • Search engine ads
  • Social media ads
  • Television and radio spots
  • Print ads
Whichever format you choose, be sure to monitor them closely. You have already learned how to monitor the data your app provides you, so you should be certain to do this when assessing how effective your promotions are, which sources are leading to ads, and how often they are seeing long-term users.
Use that data to change your strategy. Everything you do should be in short, intensive blasts. You don’t want to lock yourself into a long-term strategy, because you might not having a winning one, and because user behaviour changes so quickly that it is important to be flexible and respond in a timely fashion.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket in terms of ad types either. Each target audience should be targeted with a variety of styles, formats, texts, etc. More diversity in your outreach ensures more chances for success.
Use user behavior to your advantage. Few people download at 5 in the morning, and users tend to be most likely to download when they get a new phone (which happens a lot around holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.). Coordinate your plan to make sure you are spending your money on the right time, but do your own cost benefit analysis to see if it’s worth the extra investment for peak times for you.
Pull them in. Make sure your advertisement is more than just a statement of your existence. It’s good to get your name out, but associate it with some call to action for users, namely, “DOWNLOAD!”. You should have refined this statement by now, but if not, be sure to craft a good call to action for all materials so you can channel all the buzz you are creating.

Go to the Source

Paying Google And Other Tech Giants

Magora: Paying Google And Other Tech Giants
You may be familiar with Google AdWords, which is a good tool to be using. Similarly, you can use their in-app version, AdMob, to insert advertisements into your app. Adjust to meet you target demographics and see revenue and traffic increase.
Google also owns Youtube, which is a great place to advertise, especially if you can pair it with videos you know your audience is watching.
Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is another place where advertisements are available. You can customise demographics to match your target audience, and use the world of hashtags to draw attention. A bit of research into what’s trending can have your app linked to some big names.
The next stage in app development is even further analysis. Read our article on the nitty-gritty of app insights and data analysis to have a better understanding where to move and what to analyze.
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