Mobile Development

Smartphone usage has increased by 78% in the last three years. The demand for mobile software encourages the creation of new forms of app development. People can design applications without coding skills, with the help of DIY platforms, or create applications that use HTML, CSS and multi-platform web frameworks. However, only developers with knowledge of high-level programming languages and a deep understanding of the native development environment can create competitive software solutions with broad functionality and unique, attractive user interfaces to guarantee the perfect user experience.

Native Vs. Cross-Platform Vs. Hybrid

Mobile software is gradually integrated into all aspects of our lives, accessing information, the latest news, communicating with people, clicking and performing many other actions. This diffusion in our daily lives increases the importance and diversity of mobile programs. The diversity of software development opportunities is also increasing and software design companies can provide several ways to develop mobile software. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, so let's compare.

Here at Magora we believe that native application development is the best way to functionally authorise mobile devices and provide user satisfaction. The program, which is written in a high-level programming language using the Platform Maker SDK, will be the most advanced in terms of features and use the least possible amount of space on the user’s phone, ensuring lower battery consumption. Therefore, native applications on the iOS platform are written in the programming language Objective-C or Swift while the Android operating system requires Java programming. Programs for the Windows Phone platform must be encoded in C #, Visual Basic and XAML.

Native programs have full access to the device and the features and functions of the operating system. Asking mobile app companies to create native applications allows you to integrate the features you have seen in other mobile products, including the new functionality, announced by the producers of the flagship mobile phones. These programs can take advantage of implementing such features as USB input, new moving photo modes, notifications, complex networks, etc. These programs boast fast performance, attractive graphics and millions of active users. Developers recommend using these technologies as long as they allow the building of ready-to-use user interfaces that are updated with operating system updates. A user interface with unique features can only be created with native tools.

Even if you are qualified as a mobile app company, you cannot build this type of software on all operating systems with a single code. To support multiple devices that run different platforms, developers need to spend more time to create two or more separate products in the development process. You cannot share the code between these programs and the product thus takes much longer to reach the market. The app company needs to test several code bases before launch and, like anything else that requires more time, it will cost more.

Cross-platform App

The alternative software development option presented to many IT companies is to use cross-platform frameworks such as Xamarin, Appcelerator and React Native. In a cross-platform framework, you can write programs with a performance close to the intermediate languages, such as JavaScript and C #, so you can share up to 80% of the code in the required platform. Making cross-platform products also provides access APIs and platform-specific libraries.

Is the Cross-platform App a Better Option than the Native One?

In multiplatform apps, cross-platform development is a more useful alternative than native coding, since it provides UIs close to the native and shared code bases. But it is not as simple as it seems. Despite sharing the code with cross-platform apps, the amount can vary greatly depending on the level of customisation and the configuration of the required features. Development companies still need to write additional code, and the greater the functionality, the more code you must write for each platform. Speed can be slow due to the interpretation of the intermediate language used as a core. Access to the functions of the device and the platform also depends on the support of the selected frame and the complement, which limit the capacity of the programmer. Also, if you need a heavy user interface, the amount of shared code will be greatly reduced, the development time will be longer, and the great benefits of multiplatform development - reduced time and cost - will be lost.


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Here at Magora, with a professional native application development team, you can make any type of application or integrated software system. The choice of the solution depends on your requirements. We’ll estimate every factor of your initial task - from the operating system used in the daily routine operations of your company up to the prospective requirements and flexibility needed. Based on all these factors, we’ll chose the appropriate technology and programming language to provide you with effective, stable, multiplicable software.

Hybrid Mobile App

Unlike cross-platform apps, hybrids depend solely on the HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript web programming languages. They represent the user interface using an embedded web browser with a single code base. You can access the functionality of the device through APIs and third-party add-ons. With minimal personalisation and a single code base, it can reach the market faster than other native and cross-platform apps. The most well-known hybrid development framework that is also used in development companies is Cordova, also known as PhoneGap. Other frameworks that can be used for this type of development are Trigger.IO, Ionic Framework, and Telerik Platform.

Why not Build a Hybrid App?

Time to market and sharing the code will affect performance, especially on previous versions of the Android and iOS platforms. When developers use the web API, the resulting user interface resembles a website and is very common for all devices. You can integrate more sophisticated functions with the help of native programming using Objective-C and Java. The speed of performance is affected by the control of the embedded web browser. When comparing native, hybrid, cross-platform and HTML5 mobile apps, the latter offers the fastest time to market with the most common user interface. One of the biggest drawbacks of PhoneGap development is the problem of exposing the PhoneGap app to the app store.

native apps development

Web-based App Optimised for Mobile Devices

Mobile app companies also offer other options that allow employees to access company data and work remotely. You do not need to create native or cross-platform applications to mobilise staff. Another option is to create a web program adapted to the smartphone and the tablet. Unlike hybrid, cross-platform and native apps, web applications cannot be found in any app store, but can be easily accessed through an Internet browser and do not require storage space. Such software is designed to adapt to any screen size on both desktop and mobile devices. It feels like an app on a smaller screen and the user interacts with it via a touch-screen interface.

The development of mobile software is the best option if your main objective is to involve users while remaining on mobile devices, offering access without connection to content or functions that do not require an Internet connection. Software optimised for mobile devices based on web technology is a good option for internal processing, communication and data exchange.

Why does the DIY Platform Waste Money?

The "do-it-yourself" platform has a wide range of options for those with limited resources and coding ability. If your goal is to create a promotional app with a simple function that affirms its existence in the mobile device market, you can try several manufacturers of DIY applications instead of hiring professional developers. Let us provide you with some information before you start working with the DIY site.

Our Achievements:

322 App Development Projects
413 Mobile Applications
75 Enterprise Software Solutions

Nuts and Bolts of DIY resources for Mobile App Development

DIY platforms certainly may seem very attractive as they bring such benefits as:

  • Ease of use - Even if you’ve never worked on the site before, it’ll take no more than 15 minutes to understand how it works. Those wishing to build programs with the help of such platforms need no programming skills. Each element has a visual representation. Use templates to customise the company image and add related content. In other words, you get what you see.
  • A form of communication - The main challenges of software creation include communication problems related to conceptual misunderstandings, response time delays and other issues. With DIY applications there’s no need to wait for developers or explain your needs and requirements.
  • Time and cost savings - By using the app creation site, development time is reduced by half and the target audience can be reached as soon as possible. The cost of development and maintenance is approximately $60 per month. At the same time, you get a cross-platform solution for all major platforms.

However, there are a range of difficulties that cannot be avoided when working with the DIY platform.

  • Limited capacity - The manufacturer of DIY applications only provides basic functions and creates a general program of low-level use. You cannot build prominent and sophisticated elements that suggest a simple mobile presence.
  • Buggy user experience - Even with individual approaches to each platform, developers face a variety of challenges to create error-free experiences. With the DIY approach, a large number of devices and users are excluded by mistake, and applications cannot be run on smartphones and tablets. DIY manufacturers are willing to accept all major operating systems with a single solution, but as the platforms are different, a solution cannot meet all the requirements.

A doubtful advantage is that you can launch programs faster and more cheaply, but the question is whether the resulting product meets the requirements of the business. Such simple products will not differ from competitors, add attractive features or increase the return on investment. In addition, the resulting poor quality can have a dramatic impact on corporate reputation.

Talk to a Professional App Development Company

The Magora IT agency specialises in the development of mobile native apps, providing high-quality smartphone and tablet programs. We can consult with you about an effective approach to native app development, as well as create a project for your from scratch. Call us today for a free professional consultation.

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