UFurniture Logistics

UFurniture Logistics

UFurniture Logistics UFurniture Logistics UFurniture Logistics

We received a request via our website, from a new client, to develop a logistics platform for the manufacturer. Our client’s idea was that their sellers needed an integrated solution to provide their customers with just-in-time furniture delivery and assembly services.

The problem was this: two separate departments were working on furniture delivery and on the assembly of the orders on the client side.

Buyers would have to spend days waiting first for the delivery of the furniture and then its installation by the assembly team. Just-in-time processes should provide better user experience and speed up the delivery.

In order to manage this, new software would have to be created.

Magora: Brief

Based on the customer’s wishes and market analysis, we at Magora designed the integrated solution of web platform and Android application UFurniture Logistics with the following features: 


Managers on the web platform can:

-  accumulate orders, 

- plan delivery routes and assign drivers;

- inform the client about the delivery date via automated SMS alerts;

- send the assembly team to implement the installation the moment the furniture is off-loaded at its destination;

Drivers and Assembly workers use an Android app to:

- follow a daily route and carry out their assigned tasks;

- report on the status of orders or any reclamations in online mode;

- remain visible to managers and clients via GPS-trackers;

- communicate with managers via an integrated messenger service


All the information about implemented orders, current delivery locations and trackable delivery routes is available online to managers, assemblers and clients (via a link to the website sent by SMS).

Managers know when the next furniture set will be off-loaded and send the assembly team just in time to begin the work – meanwhile, buyers are happy to see the trackable route and be able to plan their time freely.

Automation of the logistics decreases communication errors, eliminates lots of paperwork and renders the whole business more convenient for buyers and more transparent for top managers.



Web: HTML5, PHP, .Net.

Android app: Java, MySQL, API-integration, GPS.

Magora: Solution

The V1 solution is provided to the customer. The first few dozen orders have already been implemented via the new application. Within the first quarter, responses from buyers changed from two stars (negative) to four-five stars (very positive).

The efficiency of the whole working process increased in conjunction with an overall reduction in costs.

Tags: ui design bespoke software web development mobile app development
Magora IT company project: DayInsure
Transport & Logistics apps, Magora's Top Software Development Cases, Top Mobile Apps

The easiest method to obtain temporary car insurance is to use the Dayinsure app created by Magora and one of the UK’s leading providers of short-term car insurance, the Dayinsure company.

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